Thursday, December 21, 2017

How Many Caravelli Suits Does A Man Need?

There’s a lot of suiting wearing going on, even though this is the age of casual workplaces. Millennials like to go raggy-looking by design, so the Italian designers gave them a whole world of worn-in everything wearable to wear except the suit. That’s right. Italian designers can turn the latest street trends into high-dollar clothing faster than politicians can tell a lie. But the Italian suit designers are still doing what they do best. Armani, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, and Caravelli suits are sicker than ever. According to the MensItaly website, Caravelli is producing suits that appeal to Millennials as well as their usual suit clients.   

 Caravelli has a line of two-button slim fit suits that give off that Hugh Grant, Cary Grant kind of vibe. You know what I mean. Those two cool dudes and many other actors have that laissez-faire attitude that turns some ladies into “I liked to see more” kind of women. But it’s not just the two-button look that is making serious noise in the branded suit business. The three-button purple Italian wool fabric suit is turning mild-mannered suit junkies into purple-people suit maniacs. That sounds a little a hidden sales-hype. But all you have to do is look around to see the amount of purple on men in all kinds of situations. But you, and dudes like you, are venturing into the light orange two-button suit for summer, and the three-button fuchsia suit for fall, and yes, even winter. So how many Caravelli suits does a man need to own. Well let’s say it’s more than one, but no more than a generous closet can display.   

 The things Caravelli suits have going for them are the fabric choices, the size scale, and a plethora of color choices. Plus, the Italian cut and Caravelli suit patterns give men of all sizes a chance to own a suit that fits their style. Big and Tall Millennial men, as well as short Millennial men, wake up when they see the line of Caravelli suits. Sure. Those dudes are still in casual mode. But in order to fit in at a major semi-formal business event, or a cut-the-crap business meeting, they need an Italian suit, and the Caravelli brand is their go-to Italian suit choice.

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