Yes. Your style animal is always showing. You are in the thick of fashion at every party and office gig. And you know how to put color to work for you when you hit the streets. You’re not afraid to wear your purple zoot suit to that Friday bash where anything goes. And you know how to make a black pinstripe, double-breasted suit look like it is the only real suit style to wear to a semi-formal event. In other words, you’re hip, and you have your ear on the fashion pulse. You never miss an issue of Ebony. And GQ is your bible. And when you need a little help picking out a new suit color, you visit that Italian suit site, MensItaly for inspiration.
Being a color animal is no joke. You can rock cobalt blue suits Mens Italy, Italian style because you have all the ingredients to make cobalt blue your one and only. I know. One and only are not the right words to describe your cobalt blue fascination. But it’s true. You rock cobalt blue like a movie star who thinks he is the only dude who can pull off that color suit without getting a lot of shade from his homeboys. You have that slim-fit movie star look, and you have the right complexion to make cobalt blue suits Mens Italy, Italian style, your next fashion statement.
But what exactly is a Mens Italy fashion statement? Well, that’s an easy one. MensItaly is all about Italian style. The suits, shoes, shirts, and accessories are Italian creations and nothing is more stylish than an Italian cobalt double-breasted suit that has a touch of Italy in its fabric. That’s what makes Italian suits so rad. The colors and the fabrics are in a class of their own. So wearing Italian cobalt blue two-button, three-button, three-piece, and double-breasted suits are not just the right suits to wear. They are the only suits to wear to bring out your individual style animal the right way. Your style animal gives your bros a real fashion statement they can understand and copy in their own way.
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